Welcome to the
Boulder Creek Winter Festival
Saturday, December 6th, 2025
1:00 - 6:00pm
Forest Street in Boulder Creek
Photo by Sean McLean

Meet the hosts
The Boulder Creek Business Association and the Boulder Creek Recreation and Parks Department have come together to bring the wintery magic of the holidays to the community. Santa Comes to Town and the Winter Boutique, two long loved events, have merged to become the Winter Festival.
Both organizations are dedicated to enhancing the vibrancy of Boulder Creek. This festival is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the town's creativity and community spirit.

The Boulder Creek Winter Festival is a celebration of the holiday season, bringing together families and friends to enjoy a variety of activities and entertainment. From the enchanting tree lighting to the joyful music, hayrides, and crafts, there's something for everyone to create lasting memories.

Many hands make light work!
It's with this thought in mind that we ask for volunteers from the community to help make this event a success. From setting up and decorating to serving alcohol at the food court - we invite you to join the team! Click the button below to see what opportunities are available and sign up!